Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Creative Ecumenical Education, Learning from One Another

268 OXL /1//1
Oxley, S. ;
Creative Ecumenical Education : Learning from One Another / Simon Oxley. — Geneva, Switzerland : WCC Publications, 2002. — (Risk Book Series). — ISBN 2-8254-1363-1
ДКД 268
ДКД 268
Introduction: Map-readers or Map-makers
1. Education or Formation: Does Wht It's Called Matter?
2. Ecumenical Education: In Practice
3. Breakign the Boundaries of Thinking
4. Learning as the Essence of Faith
5. How We Learn Together
6. Teaching, Resources and Learning
7. Spectators or Participants
8. Rearranging the Chairs and Ourselves
Conclusion Moving On
Everyday encounters and planned interactions can become the foundation for ecumenical leraning and offer a powerful alaternative to formal and book-based education. This book explores ways in which to encourage this creative information approach alogside and within formal education. It develops the idea that individuals and communities need to recognize, value and utilize effectively the learning opportunities which surround them.

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