Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The Lord's Supper in Anabaptism , A Study in the Christology of Balthasar Hubmaier, Pilgrim Marpack, and Dirk Philips

284.3 REM /1//1
Rempel J. D., ;
The Lord's Supper in Anabaptism : A Study in the Christology of Balthasar Hubmaier, Pilgrim Marpack, and Dirk Philips / Rempel, John D.. — Waterloo : Herald Press, ©1993. — 272 p.. — (STUDIES IN ANABAPTIST AND MENNONITE HISTORY ). — ISBN 0-8361-3112-6
ДКД 284.3
ДКД 284.3
Working from source documents of Anabaptism, John D. Rempel shows the diversity of Anabaptist views on communion. He highlights the role of Christology in the theologies of Hubmaier, Marpeck, and Philips, and their resulting views of the eucharist.Rempel explains how these doctrines were changed in later Mennonitism (and by other radical Protestants) and greatly reduced from their 16th-century origins. He issues a call for Anabaptist eucharistic theology to help correct the non-Lutheran Reformation, which tends to downgrade the Lord's Supper to be merely a human act of remembrance.

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