The Leading Edge / John Haggai
Мова: англійська.Вихідні дані: Waco, Texas : Word Books Publisher, 1988Опис: 176 pages : ill.ISBN: 0-8499-3114-2.Індекс Дьюї (ДКД): 266 ; 269.2 ; 922 ; 207Класифікація: Примітки про зміст: I. The Dream 1. God Gave the Dream 2. God Refined the Dream 3. God Actualized the Dream 4. God Enlarges the Dream II. The Philosophy 5. Closed Doors Can Be a Blessing 6. Work Hard; Pray Hard; Think Smart 7. Traditional Ways Don't Work 8. We Must Train Leaders 9. Results Must Be Measured III. The Program 10. The Operation Must Have a Sharp Focus 11. Finding an Acceptable Site 12. Recruiting the Best Staff 13. Private Funding Isthe Only Way IV. The Vision 14. The Past Is Prologue 15. Dreams Become Tormenting Visions Анотація: Evangelizing leadership development for evangelism, church growth, and lay involvement, Haggai Institute has pioneered in training nationals from many lands for indigeonous as well as cross-cultural ministries. .Наявність бібліографії/покажчика: includes index. Тип одиниці: КнигиПоточна бібліотека | Шифр зберігання | Стан | Очікується на дату | Штрих-код | |
Бібліотека Української євангельскої теологічної семінарії | 266 HAG /1//1 (Огляд полиці(Відкривається нижче)) | Доступно |
includes index
I. The Dream
1. God Gave the Dream
2. God Refined the Dream
3. God Actualized the Dream
4. God Enlarges the Dream
II. The Philosophy
5. Closed Doors Can Be a Blessing
6. Work Hard; Pray Hard; Think Smart
7. Traditional Ways Don't Work
8. We Must Train Leaders
9. Results Must Be Measured
III. The Program
10. The Operation Must Have a Sharp Focus
11. Finding an Acceptable Site
12. Recruiting the Best Staff
13. Private Funding Isthe Only Way
IV. The Vision
14. The Past Is Prologue
15. Dreams Become Tormenting Visions
Evangelizing leadership development for evangelism, church growth, and lay involvement, Haggai Institute has pioneered in training nationals from many lands for indigeonous as well as cross-cultural ministries.
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