Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Walking & Leaping

264.2 CAR /1//1
Carothers, Merlin R. ;
Walking & Leaping / Merlin R. Carothers. — Plainfield : Logos International, 1974. — 130 с.. — ISBN 0-88270-102-9
ДКД 264.2 234.131 248.3
ДКД 264.2 234.131 248.3
1. A Methodist preacher in Ambia
2. Miracles along the way
3. God's country - God's people
4. The beginnings of a ministry
5. A ministry of healing
6. God's people - God's house
7. Building the House of the Lord
8. The work is finished
9. An ongoing ministry

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