Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The Church

262 BER /1//1
Berkouwer, G.C. ;
The Church / G. C. Berkouwer. — Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Company, 1976. — 438 pages. — (Studies in Dogmatics). — ISBN 0-8028-3433-7
ДКД 262 230
ДКД 262 230
1. Credo Ecclesian

The Unity of the Church
2. Unity and Division
3. Pluriformity?
4. Fellowship

The Catholicity of the Church
5. The Meaning of Catholicity
6. The Boundaries of the Church
7. The Continuity of the Church

The Apostolicity of the Church
8. The Meaning of Apostolicity
9. Apostolicity and Truth
10. Apostolic Succession
11. Apostolic Confession

The Holiness of the Church
12. The Meaning of Holiness
13. Holiness and Sin
14. Holiness and Discipline
15. Holiness and Mission

The Creeds describe the church as one, catholic, apostolic, and holy. Yet through the centuries unit, universality, faithfulness to apostolic tradition and holiness have not been overwhelmingly obvious as marks of the church. Each section of this book takes on one of these four attributes.

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