Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Acts story, The

226.606 CAR /1//1
Carlson, G.R. ;
Acts story, The / G. Raymond Carlson. — Springfield : Gospel Pubishing House, 1978. — ISBN 0-88243-913-8
ДКД 226.6 225.7 248.7
ДКД 226.6 225.7 248.7
1. The church begins
2. The dynamic witness
3. The church under fire
4. Faith triumphant
5. Beyond the church walls
6. Launching into new territories
7. The Jerusalem crisis
8. The assault on Europe
9. Breaking new ground
10. Taking great cities
11. Journey into danger
12. Minister extraordinary
13. Rome at last
Learn more about the Holy Spirit working through the early church.

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