Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Chariots of the Gods?, Unsoved mysteries of the Past

213 DAN /1//1
Daniken, E.V. ;
Chariots of the Gods? : Unsoved mysteries of the Past / Erich Von Daniken. — New York : Bantam Books, 1968. — 163 p.
ДКД 213 215
ДКД 213 215
1. Are there intelligent beings in the cosmos?
2. When our spaceships landed on Earth
3. The improbable world of the unexplained
4. Was God an Astronaut?
5. Fiery chariots from the heavens
6. Ancient imagination and legends, or ancient facts?
7. Ancient marvels or space travel centers?
8. Eastern Island - land of the Bird Men
9. The mysteries of South America and other oddities
10. The Earth's experience of space
11. The search for direct communication
12. Tomorrow

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