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Heroes of the Faith, Collection of Stories About Courage and Commitment in the Lives and Ministries of Pioneer Pentecostal Missionaries

922 HER /1//1

Heroes of the Faith : Collection of Stories About Courage and Commitment in the Lives and Ministries of Pioneer Pentecostal Missionaries. — Springfield : Assemblies of God Division of Foreigh Missions, 1990. — 166 с.. — ISBN (soft cover)
ДКД 922 244
ДКД 922 244
Loren Triplett
Joyce Wells Booze
1. The Last House
Anna Tomaseck
Intercession Alice Reynolds Flower
2. The Nomad Missionary W.E. Simpson
Alice Reynolds Flower
3. Called to the Congo
Joseph and Ebba Nilsen
The Still, Small Voice
Alice Reynolds Flower
4. God's Firebrand
Oren and Florence Munger
5. God's Little Stone
Mabel Dean
6. Protected To Preach
Kenneth and Suzy Ware
Morning Watch
Alice Reynolds Flower
7. Preaching Pentecost in South China
Paul and Nellie Clark Bettex
Only Jesus
Louise Jeter Walker
8. I'd Do It All Again
Robert and Doris Edwards
If I Should Quit
Dolore Smeeton
9. Passing Through the Storm
Jessie Wengler
A Love-Touched Heart
Alice Reynolds Flower
10. Equipping the Saints
Ralph and Jewyl Williams
11. Beloved by His Own People
Nicholas and Martha Nikoloff
12. Enduring Hardships in Mongolia
Thomas and Louise Hindle
13. New Hope Town
Florence Steidel
14. Until the Resurrection
Frank and Elsie Isensee
Is It Worth It?
Joyce Wells Booze

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