Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The Bride's Caravan

262.72 KIM /1//1
Kimel, Mildred Schaeffer ;
The Bride's Caravan / Mildred Schaeffer Kimel. — New York, New York : Carlton Press, 1974. — 122 pages : ill.. — ISBN (soft cover)
ДКД 262.72 262.7 234.13 221.92 222.11092
ДКД 262.72 262.7 234.13 221.92 222.11092
1. The Tranquil Cast
2. The Camel in Silhouette
3. The Caravan
a. The Fruit of the Holy Spirit
b. Gifts of the Spirit
4. Joy in the Morning
In this inpsiring and uplifting book the author offers a highly poetic and sensitive interpretation of a dedicated religious woman's sense of reward and fulfillment in God's love.

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