Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Operation World, A day-to-day guide to praying for the world

264.1 JOH /1//1
Johnstone P., ;
Operation World : A day-to-day guide to praying for the world / Patrick Johnstone. — Fourth edition. — Bromley : William Carey Library, 1986. — ISBN 1-85078-007-2
ДКД 264.1
ДКД 264.1
This book is a unique resource for Christians who want God to use their prayers to change the world. A prayer slender covering every country in the world combines with a survey of prayer burdens both for the church and for those it needs to reach in each country. Background facts and figures include populations, people's, economies, politics, religions and churches, and are backed up by detailed maps and graphs. Read and rejoice over all that God has already done among the nations - but also pray and become a part of what yet needs to be done before the gospel is effectively proclaimed to the ends of the earth

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