Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Piecing together the China puzzle, the government, the church, the people

266 KAU.P /1//1
Kauffman, P.E. ;
Piecing together the China puzzle : the government, the church, the people / Paul E. Kauffman. — Hong Kong : Asian Outreach, 1987. — 177 p.
ДКД 266 262
ДКД 266 262
I. The nation
1. Passages of time
2. Whirlwinds of change
3. Searching for a new path
4. The road ahead
II. The church
5. Church and state
6. Probing deeper
7. The church: alive and dynamic!
8. Church in the home
9. The book of Acts-continued
10. Preachers on the run
11. Sheep without shepherds
III. Our response
12. The right to have a Bible
13. Across the airwaves
14. Stay-at-home missionaries
The author talks about his life as a missionary in China and how he founded Asian Outreach.

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