Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The Time Crunch, What to Do When You Can't Do It All

261.85 MCK /1//1
McKinley, S. ;
The Time Crunch : What to Do When You Can't Do It All / Steve McKinley ; John Maxwell, Greg Asimakoupoulos. — Sisters, Oregon : Multnomah Books, 1993. — 158 pages. — (Mastering Ministry's Pressure Points No. 2). — ISBN 0-88070-555-8
ДКД 261.85 261.8
ДКД 261.85 261.8
I. Understanding the internal clock
1. The Roots of Busyness
2. Where Does the Time Go?
3. Overcoming Procrastination

II. Getting it done
4. Clearing the clutter
5. Time Bandits
6. Put Time on Your Side
7. The Workweek

III. Time with others
8. Working Efficiently with People
9. Making the Most of Meetings

IV. Time to rest.
10. Fitting Ministry into the Family
11. Sabbatical in the Office
12. Feeling Good about the Non-Urgent

Pastors today face formidable pressure, both professionally personally - pressure that can overwhelm them and destroy their effectiveness. If you want to survive the tremendous stress, you need to prepare yourself for the pressure points of ministry.

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