Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Adventurers for God

266 HAL /1//1
Hall, C.W. ;
Adventurers for God / Clarence W. Hall. — London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1959. — 223 pages : ill.
ДКД 266
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1. The valley that time forgot / Einar Mickelson and Lloyd Van Stone
2. He gave sight to 100,000 / Henry Tristram and Henry Holland
3. Skipper of the "morning star" / Eleanor WIlson
4. The man who conquered Devil's Island / Charles Peán
5. The miracle of the "Omi brotherhood" / William Merrell Vories
6. Two thousand tongues to go / Cam Townsend
7. Bolivia's most unforgettable character / Frank Beck
8. One man against "apartheid" / Trevor Huddleston
9. Medicine man on the Amazon / Leo Halliwell
10. "The gospel of the plow" / Emory Alvord
11. Servant of the poor / Toyohiko Kagawa
12. Chinese refugees' best friend / Gus Borgeest
13. Through gates of splendor / Nate Saint, Ed McCully, Jim Elliott, Pete Fleming, Roger Youderian
Inspiring stories of modern missionary heroism in remote and exotic corners of the world reported by a senior editor of Reader's Digest

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