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Stepping out, Guide to short Term Missions

266 GIB /1//1
Gibson, T. ;
Stepping out : Guide to short Term Missions / Tim Gibson ; Steve Hawthorne; Richard Krekel; Kn Moy. — Seattle : YWAM Publishing, 1992. — 216 p. . — ISBN 0-92754-529-2
ДКД 266 269.2 261.01 261
ДКД 266 269.2 261.01 261
A call for ordinary people / Douglas Millham
Does it work? / Greg Livingstone
Not thirsty, still hungry / Steve C. Hawthorne
Motive Mix
Get Set
Opening the world / Dick Staub
What to ask an agency /
Discovering the best short-term mission / Steve Hawthorne
Decision points
Make the right connections / Lucinda Secrest McDowell
How to talk with mission people / Gail C. Bennett
Bridge Building / Paul Borthwick
Build Bridges to your church
Get blessed before blasting off / Chris Stanton
Honoring Parents / David M. Howard
God's Pattern of provision / Roger Randall
Have fun getting funded / Chris Stanton
Maximum short-term mission / Steve C, Hawthorne
Brokenness / George Verwer
Winning by Losing / Loren Cunningham
Trial by team / Dave Hicks
Follow the leader / Stephen T. Hoke
Allies / Stephen T. Hoke
God's gift arrived first / Miriam Adeney
Ways to relate
Taking marriage overseas / Dan and Bonnie Porter
Taking the kids / Joyce Bowers
Suddenly Significant others / Teri Buick and Linda Olson
Prayer power / Robert Munger
Bible Steady / Virgil Amos
Writers Keepers / Mark Labberton
Some Practical tips before you go
Great Expectations / Bob Howell
culture clash. Laurel A. Cocks
Preparation / Ray Howard
Entering "closed" countries / Steve Chism
Keeping healthy / Lynn Samaan
Twelve ways to ruin a short term cross-cultural romance
Expectation check
My first night / Robert Hitching
Going On
The homecoming / Roger Randall
Tell the story / Ron Blue
Evaluating your experience
Bouncing Back / Stanley E. Linguist and Daniel B. Peters
Growing as World Christians / David Bryant
Looking Ahead / Ralph D. Winter
Go for Life / Robertson McQuilkin
Linking up for life / Kathi Maaresco
More to learn / Ted Ward
Should I go on for life?

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