Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Outgrowing the Ingrown Church

266 MIL.O /1//1
Miller, C.J. ;
Outgrowing the Ingrown Church / C. John Miller. — Grand Rapids, Michigan : Ministry Resouces Library, 1986. — 176 pages. — (Ministry Resources Library). — ISBN 0-310-28411-2
ДКД 266
ДКД 266
I. Where Missionary Life Begins
1. The Ingrown Church Leader: God's Call to Faith and Repentence
2. The Ingrown Church: God's Call to Faith and Repentence

II. Getting Our Missionary Identity Straight
3. The Local Church: Its Missionary Character
4. The Local Church: Its Missionary Authority

III. Uncovering the Sources of Missionary Power
5. The Local Church: God's Glory Its Missionary Motive
6. The Welcoming Local Church
7. The Praying Local Church

IV. Serving As God's Missionary Leaders
8. The Pastor as Pacesetter
9. Preaching by Faith: God's Missionary Fire

V. Discovering God's Missionary Strategies
10. Equipping for the Harvest Field

VI. Developing God's Missionary Programs
11. Opening a window of Opportunity: Diaconal Witness
12. Small Groups for Outreach
Epilogue: Risk or Rust
This is a book for pacesetters - church leaders who desire to help their churches break free of the things that turn them in on themselves and keep them from being outward-looking and outward-moving communities of Jesus Christ. It is a masterful mix of biblical principle, objective analysis, and personal experience. This is a book written to help change churches by changing the individuals who read it.

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