Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

A Biblical Theology of Missions

266 PET /1//1
Peters, G.W. ;
A Biblical Theology of Missions / George W. Peters. — Paperback edition. — Chicago : Moody Press, 1984. — 368 p.. — ISBN 0-8024-0706-4
ДКД 266 262 221.07 225.07
ДКД 266 262 221.07 225.07
I. Biblical foundation missions
1. Missionary theology and Jesus Christ
2. Missionary theology and the nature of God
3. Missionary theology and the old testament
4. Missionary theology and the new testament
II. Biblical delineation of missions
5. The missionary task
6. The church and missions
III. Biblical instruments and dynamics of missions
7. The instruments of missions
8. The dynamics of missions
This theology of missions focuses on theory and biblical mandates for missions as a vital part of theology. George Peters, a foremost missions authority, considers both liberal and conservative views, although his own stance is solidly evangelical.

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