Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Selected Writings

266 SCH.S /1//1
Schwartz, G.J. ;
Selected Writings / Glenn J. Schwartz. — Lancaster, Pennsylvania : World Mission Associates
ДКД 266
ДКД 266
1. My Personal Journey / Glenn J.Schwartz
2. A Brief Introduction to the Subject of Dependency and Self-Reliance for Church and Mission Leaders in East, Central and Southern Africa
3. Suggestions Regarding the Move From dependency to Self-Reliance in Mission Established Institutions in Africa
4. Irreproducible Mission: Reflections on Church and Mission in East, Central and Southern Africa
5. Transition Notes - Issues 1-9
6. Missions Beyond the Economic Earthquake
7. Church and Mission in Central Africa: A Missiological Study in Indigenisation
8. Missionary Forays: An Analysis of Short-Term Missions
9. Ethnic Churches and Identity in Missiological Perspective
10. A Review of Christian Conversion in an African Context
11. Three Articles Published in the Evangelical Missions Quarterly
a. From Dependency to Fulfilment - July 1991
b. It's Time To Get Serious About the Cycle of Dependency in Africa - April 1993
c. Cutting the Apron Strings - January 1994
12. Stages of Missionary Development - A Study in Cultural Adjustment
13. Missionary Education: Training for Cross-Cultural Ministry
14. A Series of Shorter Articles Related to Dependency and Self-Reliance
a. Don't Chase Buffaloes
b. The Dilemma Facing Pastor Doug
c. My Experience in Relief Aid in Africa / Codrington Entabeni
d. Bible Societies and Self-Reliance in Central and East Africa

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