Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger, A Biblical Study

261.8 SID /1//1
Sider, R.J. ;
Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger : A Biblical Study / Ronald J. Sider. — Downer's Grove : Inter-Varsity Press, 1979. — 249 pages. — ISBN 0-340-22810-5
ДКД 261.8 261
ДКД 261.8 261
I. Poor Lazarus and Rich Christians
1. A Billion Hungry Neighbors
2. The Affluent Minority

II. A Biblical Perspective on the Poor and Possessions
3. God and the Poor
4. Economic Relationships among the People of God
5. A Biblical Attitude toward Property and Wealth
6. Structural Evil and World Hunger

III. Implementation
7. The Graduated Tithe and Other Less Modest Proposals: Toward a Simpler Lifestyle
8. Watching Over One Another in Love
9. Structural Change
Here is an unforgettable discussion of the responsibility of the majority of American Christians in a time of world hunger. This is a thoroughly factural and profoundly biblical book.

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