Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія


265.1 GRE /1//2
Green, M. ;
Baptism / Michael Green. — London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1987. — 141 p.. — ISBN 0-340-41056-6
ДКД 265.1 265
ДКД 265.1 265
1. Confusion reigns!
2. Back to the beginning
3. The baptisms of John and Jesus
4. Baptism: what does it mean and what does it do?
5. The baptism of believers-and their children
6. Objections considered
7. Baptism and confirmation
8. 'Rebaptism'
9. Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Michael Green provides a clear examination of the different approaches, examining the biblical evidence and teaching for each one. Common ground between the churches is emphasised, and the author’s conviction of the validity and benefits of infant baptism, in appropriate circumstances, is presented with energy and thoroughness.

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