Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The Go-between God, The Holy Spirit and the Christian Mission

231.3 TAY /1//1
Taylor J.V., ;
The Go-between God : The Holy Spirit and the Christian Mission / John V. Taylor. — Third impression. — London : SCM Press Ltd, 1973. — 246 pages : ill.. — ISBN 0-334-00557-4
ДКД 231.3
ДКД 231.3
I. Facts of Life
1. Annunciation: The intermediary Spirit and the Impulse of the Mission
2. Conception: The Creator Spirit and the Range of the Mission
3. Gestation: The Power of the Spirit and the Violence of the Mission
4. Labour: The Spirit of Prophecy and the Historical Perspective of the Mission
5. Birth: The Spirit in Jesus and the Focus of the Mission
6. Breath: The Indwelling Spirit and the Humiliation of the Mission

II. Style of Life
7. Growing: The Evangelical Spirit and the Structures of Mission
8. Exploring: The Freedom of the Spirit and the Search for a New Ethic
9. Meeting: The Universal Spirit and the Meeting of Faiths
10. Playing: Pentecostalism and the Supernatural Dimension in a Secular Age
11. Loving: Prayer in the Spirit and the Silence of Mission
There are not many books about the Holy Spirit, though his importance is stressed often enough in every Christian tradition. The questions involved are difficult and the range of material is almost impossibly wide, but out of it all John Taylor has produced a work in which one feels that not only has he grasped his subject, but his subject has grasped him.

What is the Holy Spirit and his action in our world? What does he add to our natural capacities and what sort of power does he provide? How does he communicate with us? To answer these questions we are drawn to the Bible and the Christian tradition -- but also to our experience in all the many and varied ways in which it comes to us, for the Holy Spirit blows where he wills. We are led to reflect again about missions, but in a way that sweeps cobwebs from that faded word and shows how much of it is also discovery -- discovery through each other of the Christ who brings almost unhoped-for richness of life.

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