Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The Christian in Industrial Society

261.85 CAT /1//1
Catherwood, H.F.R. ;
The Christian in Industrial Society / H. F. R. Catherwood. — London : The Tyndale Press, 1966. — 128 pages
ДКД 261.85 261.8
ДКД 261.85 261.8
1. The Christian Attitude to Work
2. The Christian Attitue to Wealth
3. Economics, Politics, and the Christian
4. The Social Responsibility of Big Business
5. The Social Responsibility of Trades Unions
6. The Authority of Government
7. Render Unto Caesar
8. Fair Trading
9. Making Money on the Stock Exchange
10. The Christian as an Employer
11. The Organization Man
The concern of the book is to set Christian standards by applying Christian doctrine to behaviour in an industrial society.

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