Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Destined for the Throne

262 BIL.D /1//1
Billheimer, P.E. ;
Destined for the Throne / Paul E. Billheimer. — Fort Washington, Pennsylvania : Christian Literature Crusade, 1975. — 134 pages. — ISBN 0-87508-040-5
ДКД 262
ДКД 262
1. The Ultimate Goal of the Universe: the Church
2. God's Purpose for the Church: Supreme Rank
3. The Mystery of Prayer
4. Christ's Gift of Authority
5. The Legal Basis of hte Authority of the Church
6. Christ's Dynamic Vistory
7. The Mystery of Unanswered Prayer
8. The Problem of Faith
9. Organized Action

The author's primary thesis is that the one purpose of the universe from all eternity is the production and preparation of an Eternal Companion for the Son, called the Bride, the Lamb's Wife. Since she is to share the throne of the universe with her Divine Lover and Lord as a judicial equal, she must be trained, education, and prepared for her queenly role.

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