Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

How Great Oh God Thou Art!

266 HAI /1//1
Haist, C. ;
How Great Oh God Thou Art! / Coralee Haist. — Hong Kong : Yee Tin Tong Printing Press, 1971. — 274 pages : ill.
ДКД 266 922
ДКД 266 922
I. Before China
1. Memories of Childhood
2. A Child in Touch with God
3. Give Your Life to the Lord
4. Pruning
5. They Words Were Heard
6. Heaven Came Down
7. Not Understood
8. Even the Hair of Your Head
9. Before China

II. Before World War II
10. A Money Token
11. Tears Wiped Away
12. I'll Never Doubt God Again
13. Civil War
14. Trusting Jesus That Is All
15. One Hundred Dollars
16. Pray for More Grace
17. Unwelcome Visitors
18. The Cross Ne'er Outweighs His Grace
19. God Never Makes a Mistake
20. Pioneer Village Evangelism
21. A New Station
22. Japanese Agression Begins
23. Evacuation of 1940 ... Hong Kong
24. No Distance in Prayer
25. A Brush With a Japanese Gendarme
26. Proceeding to Paak Wan

III. War Years and Later
27. Outbreak of War
28. Nervous Prostration and Healing
29. He Shall Give His Angels Charge
30. Travel Permit
31. Our Journey and the Big Shot
32. Bombing
33. Content with Little
34. Running from Japanese Troops
35. Evacuation to West China
36. Why I Remained in Kunming
37. Return to Canton
38. Wanted for Ransom
39. Trust ME Direct
30. Hong Kong Chapter
Experiences of a missionary in China

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