Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

In the Gap

266 BRY /1//1
Bryant, D. ;
In the Gap / David Bryant. — Ventura, California : Regal Books, 1984. — 211 pages. — ISBN 0-8307-0952-5
ДКД 266
ДКД 266
I. Alive in the Gap
1. There Is a Gap, You Know
2. Problems with Pea-Sized Christianity
3. So Who Will Stand in the Gap?
4. The Unifying Cause
5. Is the Cause Healthy for Us?
6. An Idea Whose Time Has Come - Ages Ago
7. Needed: A Great Awakening in the Gap

II. A Journey into World Christian Discipleship
8. Catch the Vision. See God's Worldwide Purpose in Christ
9. Catch the Vision. See a World Full of Possibilities Through Christ
10. Catch the Vision. See a World Full of People Without Christ
11. A Plan: Obey as You Regularly Build Your Vision
12. A Plan: Boey as You Reach Out Directly in Love
13. A Plan: Obey as You Give Your Vision to Other Christians
Conclusion: A Parable - Smog
Appendix: Resources
I know of no other book that has been more effective in producing World Christians. It has become a classic for motivating young adults toward full involvement in the cause of world evangelization.

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