Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Moving Mountains, Intercessory Prayer in Missionary Ministry

266 MOV /1//1

Moving Mountains : Intercessory Prayer in Missionary Ministry / Joyce Wells Booze, ed.. — Springfield, Missouri : Assemblies of God. — 126 pages
ДКД 266
ДКД 266
Short Testimonies
Prose and Poetry Pieces
The foreign missionary program of the Assemblies of God has attained its success because not only are missionaries sent but they also are backed with intercessory prayer by the senders This prayer is initiated by the Holy Spirit. When a missionary on the field is in desperate need, the Spirit will choose an intercessor, one or many, and prompt prayer for that need. God responds to the prayers of His people and the missionary's need is met.

In reading missionaries' accounts of answered prayer, a central truth emerges: Those who respond to the Spirit's leading for intercessory prayer are equally as important to the success of the missionary venture as those who go.

Moving Mountains gives new insight to the role of the intercessor.

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