Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Peter Dynamite, Twice Born Russian : The Captivating Story of Peter Deyneka Sr.

266 ROH /1/1
Rohrer, N. ;
Peter Dynamite : Twice Born Russian : The Captivating Story of Peter Deyneka Sr. / Norman Rohrer ; Peter Deyneka Jr.. — Loves Park, Illinois : Slavic Gospel Association, 2005. — 128 pages : ill.. — ISBN 1-56773-034-5
ДКД 266
ДКД 266
1. Sure, All Right
2. Visions of a Dying World
3. Five Million Corpses
4. Upside Down for God
5. A Bride for Peter
6. Blazing New Trails
7. A Mission is Born
8. One Message for One World
9. South to the Harvest
10. The School That Prayer Built
11. New Fruit in New Orchards
12. No Roof Over Russia
13. Another Famine of Bread
14. Much Prayer -- Much Power
15. The Cry From the Steppes
When the founding board of a new Russian mission organization first met in the back of a Chicago shoe store on January 6, 1934, they knew they had an immense task before them. To evangelize one of the largest people groups on the planet would take a veritable explosion to get it off the ground.

Peter "Dynamite" Deneka was the blast of power needed to establish such a multifaceted ministry and develop it into the largest mission of its kind in the world. And through the guidance and blessing of the Holy Spirit, that's exactly what happened.

This book is not just the story of how the Lord answered a young Russian lad's prayers to reach his homeland with the Gospel -- it is also the story of his humble heritage, his miraculous conversion, and how God greatly used that saved soul to bring countless others into that same salvation.

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