Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The Indestructible Seed

266 HOS /1//1
Hoskins, B. ;
The Indestructible Seed / Bob Hoskins. — Pompano, Florida : Book of Hope International, 2004. — 94 pages. — ISBN 1-59480-071-5
ДКД 266 922
ДКД 266 922
Introduction: The Indestructible Seed
1. Problems with the Great Commission
2. The Breath of Inspiration
3. Good News
4. A Vision
5. The Book of Hope
6. God's Word
7. Doing the Impossible
8. The Mission
The Word of God is the indestructible seed that brings salvation and eternal life. This powerful seed can be planted in every young person, all around the world. God's Word. Every Child.

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