Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Student Packet Introduction to Missions

266 STU.M /1//1

Student Packet Introduction to Missions. — Second Edition. — Irving, Texas : ICI University, 1995. — 52 pages
ДКД 266 268.434
ДКД 266 268.434
Checklist of Study Methods - Student's Planner and Record
Question/Response Forms
Answers to Self-Tests
Unit Progress Evaluations 1, 2, 3, and 4
Answer Sheets for Unit Progress Evaluations
Student's Comments After Unit Progress Evaluation 1
Student's Request to Take Final Examination
Project Instructions
Use this packet with the following materials:
- Introduction to Missions: An Independent Study Textbook by Paul A. Pomerville (Second Edition)
- The Holy Bible

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