Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

A Global View of Christian Missions, From Pentecost to the Present

266 KAN.G /1//1
Kane, J.H. ;
A Global View of Christian Missions : From Pentecost to the Present / J. Herbert Kane. — Revised Edition. — Grand Rapids, Michigan : Baker Book House, 1975. — 590 pages : maps. — ISBN 0-8010-5308-0
ДКД 266
ДКД 266
I. Through the Ages
1. Chrsitianity in the Roman Empire (AD 30-500)
2. Christianization of Europe (AD 500-1200)
3. Encounter with Islam (AD 600-1200)
4. Roman Catholic Missions (AD 1300-1700)
5. Origin of Protestant Missions in Europe (AD 1600-1800)
6. Origin of Protestant Missions in England and USA (AD 1750-1850)
7. Protestant Missions in North America (AD 1620-1800)

II. Around the World
8. South Asia
9. Southeast Asia
10. Far East
11. Middle East
12. North Africa
13. West Africa
14. Central Africa
15. East Africa
16. South Africa
17. South America
18. Central America and Caribbean
19. Oceania
20. Europe
This comprehensive survey of the progress of Christian mission effort from Pentecost to the present will be welcomed by those who are looking for an up-to-date record that reflects recent advances and latest political developments. It is a books that undoubtedly will be considered the standard text and reference work on the history and current status of Christian missions throughout the world.

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