Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Missionary Life and Work

266 WIL /1//1
Wilson, G. ;
Missionary Life and Work / Clifford Wilson. — Glenroy, Victoria : Pacific College Incorporated. — : ill.. — (Pacific Study Series MCC 502)
ДКД 266
ДКД 266
1. Spiritual qualifications
2. An Evangelical call to social sprituality / Rev. Eldin Villafane PhD
3. For Starters - Of Scandals and Hedges / Jerry B. Jenkins
4. Using Temptation's Power
5. Phantom Fathers - Ten Commandments for Missionaries from the Standpoint of National Church Leaders / Evangelical Missions Quarterly
6. Ministry as Empowerment / GRID Magazine
7. Culture Shock / Meryl Beckman B.Ed., Th A.
8. St. Andrews Bulletin - Culture Baggage of White Australians
9. Stress Burnout in Ministry / GRID Magazine
10. Anxiety / Gary Collins
Crises and Losses are Cumulative
The Social Adjustment Rating Scale

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