Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

When God says go, The amazing journey of a slave's daughter

266 LUT /1//1
Lutz, L. ;
When God says go : The amazing journey of a slave's daughter / Lorry Lutz. — Grand Rapids, Mich. : Discovery House Publishers, 2002. — 236 p. : map. — ISBN 1-57293-098-5
ДКД 266
ДКД 266
In the jungles of Liberia Eliza Davis George, daughter of freed American slaves, rescued little girls from marriages to old men and educated them. She single handed persuaded government leaders to donate land for her mission work. When her American supporters failed to send promised funds, she dug her own food out of the jungle soil. Nothing was too difficult, no obstacle too keep her from telling the story of Jesus. She made her last journey into the jungles when she was 95 years old.

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