Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Building the Christian Academy

268 HOL /1//1
Holmes, A.F. ;
Building the Christian Academy / Arthur F. Holmes. — Grand Rapids, Michigan : William.B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2001. — ISBN 0-8028-4744-7
ДКД 268 378
ДКД 268 378
1. The Soul of a University
2. The Alexandrian School and the Unity of Truth
3. Augustine: The Foundations of Education
4. Monastery and Cathedral Schools: The Care of hte Soul
5. The Scholastic University: Theology and the Liberal Arts
6. The Reformation and the Usefulness of Liberal Arts
7. Francis Bacon: Modern Science and the Uses of Knowledge
8. Newman, the Liberal Arts, and Secularization
9. The Christian Academy in the Twentieth Century
Until relatively recently, the history of higher education in the West was the story of a Christian academic tradition that played a major role in both intellectual history and the history of the church. Over the last one hundred years, however, we have witnessed the progressive secularization of higher education. The author explores the Christian tradition of learning, focusing on seven formative episodes in history that pertain to building and maintaining a strong Christian academy today.

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