Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Prepare Your Church for the Future

262 GEO /1//1
George, C.F. ;
Prepare Your Church for the Future / Carl F. George. — Grand Rapids, Michigan : Fleming H.Revell, 1992. — 240 pages : ill.. — ISBN 0-8007-5365-8
ДКД 262
ДКД 262
I. Threshold of Opportunity
1. Prepare for Future Shock
2. Tally What You Inherited
3. Rattle the Cage Around Your Zoo

II. The Meta-Church Model
4. Compare Tradition to Meta-Church
5. Consider the Meta Advantages

III. How to Make Small Groups Work
6. Begin to Identify Your Mice
7. Structure Cells to Do Pastoral Care
8. Do Away With Malnourishment
9. Train Your Leaders Thoroughly

IV. What to Visualize for the Big Picture
10. Think Panoramically with the Metaglobe
11. See Yourself as Manager and Communicator

V. Where to Go From Here
12. Glean Insights From Others
13. Enter the Future With Eyes Wide Open
By analyzing the present-day church and examining the trends of North American society, Carl George presents a model that can mobilize your church for outeach and make committed disciples for Jesus Christ.

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