Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Missions and Money, Affluence as a Missionary Problem…Revisited

266 BON /1//1
Bonk, J.J. ;
Missions and Money : Affluence as a Missionary Problem…Revisited / Jonathan J. Bonk. — Revised and Expanded. — Maryknoll, New York : Orbis Books, 2006. — 272 pages. — (American Society of Missiology Series No. 15). — ISBN 978-1-57075-650-4
ДКД 266 254.8
ДКД 266 254.8
I. The Context of Western Missionary Affluence
1. The Fact and the Extent of Western Missionary Affluence
2. The Historical and Cultural Context of Missionary Affluence
3. The Rationale for Missionary Affluence

II. Consequences of Western Missionary Affluence
4. Relational Costs of Missionary Affluence
5. Communicatory and Strategic Consequences of Missionary Affluence
6. Theological, Ethical and Biblical Considerations on Missionary Affluence

III. The Challenge of Western Missionary Affluence
7. Toward a Missiology of the Righteous Rich

IV. Faith and Wealth in the Hebrew Scriptures and the Early Church
8. The Righteous Rich in the Old Testament
9. New Testament Koinonia and Wealth
10. Wealth in the Subapostolic Church

This revised edition offers new reflections in the light of a changed situation in Christian missionary circles. Bonk offers new reflections in the slights of a changed situation, now marked by increases in the number of short-term missioners and increases in the numbers of Asians, Africans, and Latin Americans leaving their homelands to serve as missionaries to other people

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