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Missions Practice in the 21st Century

266 WAN /1//1
Wan, E./Tira, S.J. ;
Missions Practice in the 21st Century / Enoch Wan, ed. ; Sadiri Joy Tira, ed.. — Pasadena, California : William Carey International University Press, 2009. — 246 pages : ill.. — (Diaspora Series, WCIU Press No. 1). — ISBN 978-086585-020-0
ДКД 266
ДКД 266
I. Missions Theory for the 21st Century
Relational Theology and Missiology/ Enoch Wan
Diaspora Missiology / Enoch Wan and Sadiri Joy Tira

II. Missions Practice in the 21st Century
When Business Can Be Mission: Where both Business and Mission Fall Short / Ralph D. Winter
Kangaroo Church Birthing and Reproduction Model: A Case Study of Diaspora Missiology in Action in Canada / Sadiri Joy Tira
Onsite Study Abroad: A Nonformal Experience Oriented Model for International Missions Training / Charles A. Cook
Collaboration in Mission / Mark Avery
Where Have All the Evangelists Gone? / T. V. Thomas
On Being a Missions-Sensitive Pastor / Vergil Schmidt II
Being a Missions Mobilizer / George Verwer
Commitment to Deeper Life and Missions / Arnold Cook
The High View of Scripture / Rexford A. Boda

III. Case Studies
Talking to Muslims About God: What Are the Issues? / Warren Larson
Traditional Hindu Views and Attitudes Toward Christianity / Atul Y. Aghamkar
A Fresh Approach for Ministry to American Jewish-Gentile Couples / Tuvya Zaretsky
A Cyclical and Glocal Congregation: A Brief Story of the First Filipino Alliance Church from 1984-2007 / Sadiri Joy Tira and Stuart Lightbody
The Filipino International Network: A Case Study of Diaspora Missiology in Action / Lorajoy Dimangondayao
The landscape and ministry context in the 21st Century is markedly different from the last century. Notably present are the socio-cultural forces of globalization, postmodernism, terrorism and international migration. This book is a collection of writings by various contributors, informative of the practice of Missions in the 21st Century

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