Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Early Christian mission, Vol 1 Jesus and the twelve

266 SCH.E /1//1
Schnabel, E.J. ;
Early Christian mission : Vol 1 Jesus and the twelve / Elkhart J. Schnabel. — Downers Grove, Illinois : InterVarsity Press, 2004. — 913 p.. — ISBN 0-8308-2791-9
ДКД 266 232.954 232
ДКД 266 232.954 232
I Introduction
1. The history of early Christianity as history of missions
2. Questions and issues of method
3. Chronology and events
Part I: Promise Israel's Eschatological Expectations and Jewish expansion in the second Temple period
4. The reality and the work of Yahweh the creator
5. The relationship between Israel, Israelites and Gentiles
6. The expansion of God's people in early Jewish texts
7. Summary
II Fulfillment: The mission of Jesus
8. Historical and social realities in Palestine
9. Jesus' mission to Israel
10. The mission of the twelve
11. The mission of the seventy-two
12. Jesus and Gentiles
13 Summary
Part III: Beginnings The mission of the Apostles in Jerusalem
14. The Apostles as envoys of Jesus the Messiah
15. Priorities and convictions of the Jerusalem Apostles
16. Vision, strategy and methods
17. Summary
Part IV: Exodus The mission of the twelve from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth
18. Historical, social and religious realities in the Roman Empire
19. The Hellenistic Jewish Christians in Jerusalem
20. The first transgression all mission of Jewish Christians from Jerusalem
21. The msssionary work of Peter
22. The Jewish-Christian missionary work from Jerusalem to Rome
23. Summary
How is it that a first-generation Jewish messianic movement undertook a mission to the pagan world and rapidly achieved a momentum that would have a lasting and significant impact on world history? This momentous question has surprisingly eluded the concentrated focus of historians and New Testament scholars.Perhaps it is because the story of early Christian mission encompasses so much of the history of early Christianity. And to tell that history is to traverse a broad spectrum of issues in contemporary New Testament studies, all of which have been investigated in specialized depth, though frequently unconnected to a unified picture. On the other hand, as Eckhard Schnabel comments, those who have attempted to paint "the portrait of early Christian missions" have "often painted with brush strokes too broad." As a result, an "undifferentiated picture of early Christian mission" is widely held.In this monumental study, Schnabel gives us both a unified and detailed picture of the rise and growth of early Christian mission. He begins with a search for a missionary impulse in the Old Testament and Second Temple Judaism. He then weighs the evidence for a mission of Jesus to Gentiles. But the center of focus is the apostolic missionary activity as it is related in Acts, Paul's letters and the rest of the New Testament. Here is a study that seeks to describe all the evidence relevant to the missionary strategy and tactics of the early church, to explain the theological dimensions of the early Christian mission, and to integrate the numerous studies published in the last decades into a synthetic overall picture. Schnabel?s detailed and immensely informed analysis will reward careful reading and reflection, and form a solid basis for a new understanding of the rise of Christianity and the nature of Christian mission--both then and now.When you order this item you will receive two volumes: Jesus and the Twelve (Volume 1) and Paul & the Early Church (Volume 2). An outline of both is in Volume 1 and the indexes are in Volume 2.

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