Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Westminster dictionary of New Testament and Early Christian Literature and Rhetoric, The

270.3 AUN /1//1
Aune, D.E. ;
Westminster dictionary of New Testament and Early Christian Literature and Rhetoric, The / Aune, D.E.. — Lousville : Westminster John Knox, 2003. — ISBN 0-664-21917-9
ДКД 270.3 270.1 270
ДКД 270.3 270.1 270
The Westminster Dictionary of New and Early Christian Literature and Rhetoric is an authoritative reference that details the various literary and rhetorical forms found in the New Testament and in the literature of the early Christian church. David Aune's extensive study will be of immense value to scholars and all those interested in the ways in which literary and rhetorical forms were employed and how they functioned in the early Christian world.

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