Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The Missions Addiction

262 SHI /1//1
Shibley, D. ;
The Missions Addiction / David Shibley. — s. l. : Charisma House, 2001. — 251 p.. — ISBN 0-88419-772-7
ДКД 262 266
ДКД 262 266
1. Harvest Hope
2. Disaster prevention
3. The Global Jesus Movement
4. Farewell to the balanced life
5. Triple threat in the heaven lies
6. The whole world is watching
7. The incredible shrinking giant
8. Hidden heroes
9. Siege on the Saints
10. Finish line in sight!

hidden heroes, harvest hope, balanced life, disaster prevention, missions addiction, shrinking giant, global glory, church for every people, prophetic worship, unreached peoples, global advance, missions passion, world evangelization, global harvest, apostolic leaders Great Commission, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, United States, Finish Line, Hudson Taylor, Triple Threat, Lord Jesus, Third World, The Incredible Shrinking Giant, God's Spirit, Peter Wagner, African American, God's Word, Jesus Movement, Teen Mania, The Whole World Is Watching, Jim Elliot, Christ Jesus, Pastor Phiri, Book of Life, American Christians, Soviet Union, General Booth, The Amsterdam Declaration

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