Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Serving with eyes wide open, Doing short-term missions with cultural intelligence

266.02 LIV /1//1
Livermore, D.A. ;
Serving with eyes wide open : Doing short-term missions with cultural intelligence / David A. Livermore. — Grand Rapids, Mich. : BakerBooks, 2006. — 188 p.. — ISBN 0-8010-6616-6
ДКД 266.02
ДКД 266.02
I. Looking through a wide-angle lens: Globalization and the church
1. One world: Snapshots of the globe
2. One church: The changing face of Christianity
II. Conflicting images: Americans' vs. Nationals' perspectives on short-term missions
3. Motivation: "Missions should be fun!"
4. Urgency: "Just do it!"
5. Common ground: "They don't fly planes in India when it rains"
6. The Bible: "Just stick to the Bible and you can't go wrong!"
7. Money: "They're so happy"
8. Simplicity: "You're either for us or against us!"
III. Sharpening our focus and service with cultural intelligence (CQ)
9. Seek to understand: Knowledge CQ
10. On second thought: Interpretive CQ
11. Try, try again: Perseverance CQ
12. Actions speak louder than words: Behavioral CQ
13. The heart of the matter: Shema
If God is calling you to short-term missions this book will show you how to effectively share the Gospel with people of other cultures. Serving with Eyes Wide Open helps Christians see what the church is doing on the mission field, understand the assumptions people make about Christianity, and learn what it takes to adapt God's message effectively to new cultures.

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