Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Come Help Change the World

267 BRI /1//1
Bright, Bill ;
Come Help Change the World / Bill Bright. — Old Tappan, New Jersey : Fleming H. Revell Company, 1970. — 207 с.. — ISBN (soft cover)
ДКД 267
ДКД 267
1. Change men
2. Arrowhead-A fabulous dream
3. In the beginning
4. Growing up
5. Moving out
6. Story of a miracle
7. The trial of faith
8. The secret: proper training
9. The key: the campus
10. A strategy for colleges
11. Berkeley-A new kind of revolution
12. Reaching high-school students
13. The lay ministry
14. The military ministry
15. Athletes in action
16. Multiplying the message
17. All things to all men
Bill Bright shares how God led him to start Campus Crusade for Christ, an organization that has impacted potentially billions worldwide through its many different ministries, outreaches, projects, staff and volunteers. Bill Bright goes into detail of how the ministry began as a simple campus ministry at UCLA in 1951, of how God provided for its growth, and the many different ministries in operation around the world today.

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