Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The future of Christian church

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Ramsey, A.M. ;
The future of Christian church / Arthur Michael Ramsey ; Leon-Joseph Suenens. — London : SCM Press LTD, 1971. — 86 p.. — ISBN 334-00518-3
ДКД 262.001 262
ДКД 262.001 262
1. Death and resurrection
2. The church and the world
3. Towards unity
4. The church as mission
5. Christ, the church, and the world
6. Ecumenism today
We have here the spectacle of two prelates of different churches, harmoniously and joyfully exploring matters of common concern, in a series of eloquent and penetrating discussions in which frankness and honesty are matched with warmth and friendliness.

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