Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Let the Nations Be Glad!, The Supremacy Of God In Missions

266.001 PIP /1//2
Piper J., ;
Let the Nations Be Glad! : The Supremacy Of God In Missions / John Piper. — Grand Rapids, Michigan : Baker Books, ©1993. — 240 p.. — ISBN 0-8010-7124-0
ДКД 266.001
ДКД 266.001
I. Making God supreme in missions: The purpose, the power, and the price
1. The supremacy of God in missions through worship
2. The supremacy of God in missions through prayer
3. The supremacy of God in missions through suffering
II. Making God supreme in missions: The necessity and nature of the task
4. The supremacy of Christ as the conscious focus of all saving faith
5. The supremacy of God among "All the nations"
This book is not just for missionaries. It is for pastors who (like me) want to connect their fragile, momentary local labors to God's invincible, eternal, global purposes. It's for lay people who want a bigger motivation for being world Christians than they get from statistics. It's for college and seminary classes on the theology of missions that really want to be theological as well as anthropological, methodological, and technological. And it's for leaders who need the flickering wick of their vocation fanned into flame again with a focus on the supremacy of God in all things.

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