Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Revolution in World Missions

266.00948 YOH /1//3
Yohannan K. P., ;
Revolution in World Missions / K. P. Yohannan. — Carrollton, Texas : Gospel for Asia, ©2001. — 212 p.. — ISBN 1-56599-991-6
ДКД 266.00948
ДКД 266.00948
I. The Vision
1. How Many Would Be Beaten and Go Hungry?
2. O God, Let One of My Boys Preach!
3. Dreaming the Dreams of God
4. I Walked in a Daze
5. A Nation Asleep in Bondage
6. What Are You Doing Here?
7. Beginning to Feel Like a Beggar
8. Missions Is Not Dead: The Leadership Is Changing Hands

II. The Call
9. You Have Destroyed Everything We Were Trying To Do
10. God Is Withholding Judgement
11. Why Should I Make Waves?
12. A Bowl of Rice Is No Substitute for the Holy Spirit
13. He Didn't Want Fans but Disciples
14. Without Christ People Serve Demon Spirits
15. Temples of This New Religion Are Atomic Reactors

III. The Way
16. Offering the Water of Life in a Foreign Cup
17. Our Policy is the Natives
18. Not a Mission but a Theological Problem
19. Lord, Help Us Remain True to You
20. We Are Walking in the Narrow Way
21. A Third World Response
In this exciting and fast-moving narrative, K. P. Yohannan shares how God brought him from this remote Indian village to become the founder of Gospel for Asia. Drawing from fascinating true stories and eye-opening statistics, K.P. challeges Christians to examine and change their lifestyles in view of millions who have never heard of the Gospel.

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