Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Hudson Taylor in Early Years, The Growth of a Soul

266 TAY.GR /1//1
Taylor, H. ;
Hudson Taylor in Early Years : The Growth of a Soul / Dr. Howard Taylor ; Mrs. Howard Taylor. — 1988 Anniversary Edition. — Singapore : Overseas Mission Fellowship, 1911. — 511 pages : map. — ISBN 9971-972-63-8
ДКД 266 922
ДКД 266 922
I. Antecedents, Home and Early Years (1776-1849)
1. As for Me and My House
2. Unto Children's Children
3. Set Apart Unto the Lord
4. Nurture and Admonition
5. The Finished Work of Christ
6. Here Am I; Send Me

II. Preparation for China, in Barsley and in Hull (1850-1852)
7. The New Starting-Point
8. No Good Thing Will He Withhold
9. That I May Win Christ
10. From Faith to Faith
11. If It Be Thou, Bid Me Come

III. Preparation for china, In London and On The Voyage (1852-1854)
12. Nothing Certain, Except -
13. The Lord Will Provide
14. Light At Last
15. I Will Never Leave Thee

IV. Shanghai and Early Itinerations (1854-1855)
16. Arrival and First Experiences
17. Make It a Place of Springs
18. Building in Troublous Times
19. A Way of Escape
20. The First Evangelistic Journey
21. Our Plans of Usefulness
22. Not Where Christ Was Named
23. A Vision of His Life-Work
24. Emptied from Vessel to Vessel
25. Some Better Thing

V. Seven Months With William Burns (1855-1856)
26. A Parish of a Million
27. As Rivers of Water in a Dry Place
28. Under the Shadow of the Almighty
29. Stedfast, Unmovable
30. On Whom the Mantle Fell

VI. Ning-Po: Marriage and Settled Work (1856-1860)
31. My thoughts are not your thoughts
32. Who Shutteth and No Man Openeth
33. By a Way That They Knew Not
34. The God That Is Enough
35. Ebenezer and Jehovah Jireh
36. Joy Cometh in the Morning
37. Perfect in One
38. Our Joy and Crown of Rejoicing
39. Fishers of Men
40. What Hath God Wrought
41. A Wealthy Place
42. Above All That Ye Ask or Think

With no help but a copy of Luke's Gospel in Mandarin, Taylor, as a boy of 17, began to study the Chines language preparing to go to China. Further lessons wre learned when every penny was gone lessons in dependence on God alone. Then came the day the arrived alone in Shanghai to find the country at war and the foreign community in serious danger.

Unknown by the world, forgotten by Christians at home, even criticized by other missionaries, Taylor was learning that faith can only be cultivated by relying on the Faithful One.

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