Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The Word that kindles, People and principles that fueled a worldwide Bible translation movement

266 COW /1//1
Cowan, G.M. ;
The Word that kindles : People and principles that fueled a worldwide Bible translation movement / George M. Cowan. — Huntington Beach CA : Wycliffe Bible Translators, 1978. — 272 p. . — ISBN 0-915684-47-0
ДКД 266
ДКД 266
1. In the fullness of time
2. Bible Translation
3. Lack and lag
4. Which Language?
5. Linguistics
6. Motivation for Literacy
7. Literacy in the Mother Tongue
8. Serving
9. Culturally Relevant Serevice
10. Trusting God
11. Faith and Finances
12. Pioneering
13. Finishing theTask
14. Organization
15. Membership
16. Others Also

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