Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Hudson Taylor and the China Inland Mission, The Growth of a Work of God

266 TAY.GR /1//2
Taylor, H. ;
Hudson Taylor and the China Inland Mission : The Growth of a Work of God / Dr. Howard Taylor ; Mrs. Howard Taylor. — 1988 Anniversary Edition. — Singapore : Overseas Missionary Fellowship, 1918. — 640 pages : map. — ISBN 9971-972-64-6
ДКД 266
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I. The Backside of the Desert (1860-1866)
1. If Thou Forbear to Deliver
2. Hidden Years
3. There Wrestled a Man with Him
4. The Mission That Had to Be
5. According to His Working

II. Launching Out Into the Deep (1866-1868)
6. My Presence Shall Go With Thee
7. To Search Out a Resting-Place
8. O That Thou Wouldest Bless Me Indeed
9. And Enlarge My Coast

III. Treasures of Darkness (1868-1870)
10. An Open Door: A Little Strength
11. The Darkest Hour
12. The Exchanged Life
13. Jesus Does Satisfy

IV. The God of the Impossible (1871-1877)
15. Thou Remainest
16. Things Will Look Up ... If
17. Not Disobedient to the Heavenly Vision
18. Out of Weakness Were Made Strong
19. The Faithfulness of God
20. The Gates of the West

V. Buried Lives: Much Fruit (1878-1881)
21. For Jesus' Sake
22. He Goeth Before Them
23. Women Which Laboured With Me in the Gospel

VI. The Rising Tide (1881-1887)
24. The Seventy
25. Deeper Down
26. Above All That Ye Ask
27. The Price of Progress
28. Days of Blessing
29. The Hundred

VII. Wider Ministry (1888-1895)
30. Few Know What is Betwixt Christ and Me
31. The Cross Does Not Get Comfortable
32. With Wings As Eagles
33. To Every Creature
34. The Coming Thousand
35. Deeping the Channels
36. The Forward Movement

VIII. Worn Out With Loving (1895-1905)
37. Can Ye Drink of the Cup?
38. Again the Forward Movement
39. Even so, Father
40. Waters of Rest
41. His Way is Perfect
42. Prayers Yet To Be Answered
The China Inland Mission's beginnings and development are in some respects the most remarkable chapter in all the history of Christian missions in China. The founder, James Hudson Taylor was, if measured by the movement which he called into being, one of the greatest missionaries of all time, and was certainly, judged by the results of his efforts, one of the four or five most influential foreigners who came to Chine in the 19th century for any purpose, religious or secular.

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