Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

God With Us, Synergy in the Church

262 PAG /1//1
Page, R. ;
God With Us : Synergy in the Church / Ruth Page. — London : SCM PRESS, 2000. — 213 pages. — ISBN 0-334-02796-9
ДКД 262
ДКД 262
I. God with Us
1. Then and Now
2. God-with
3. Us-with
4. Withness

II. Synergy in the Church
5. Synergy involves Change
6. Community and its Ministry
7. Postmodern Spirituality
8. Peace and Justice
9. Ecumenism
10. Mission
11. Other Faiths
12. The Environment
13. The Church as Ark, the Church as Salt
This challenging book is essentially a reflection on the first three words of its title. The accounts are down-to-earth, practical, positive and sometimes critical. What stands out particularly clearly is that the word "with" often cannot be used of what goes on in churches; any sense of togetherness can be sadly lacking.

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