Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Cities, Missions' New Frontier

266.0091732 GRE /1//1
Greenway, R.S. ;
Cities : Missions' New Frontier / Robert S. Greenway ; Timothy M. Monsma. — Second edition. — Grand Rapids, Mich. : BakerBooks, 2000. — 280 p.. — ISBN 0-8010-2230-4
ДКД 266.0091732,
ДКД 266.0091732,
1. The urbanization of our world
2. A biblical framework for urban missions
3. The urban-mission movement in the New Testament
4. Antioch: A biblical model of urban church development
5. Evangelism, relief, and development
6. The ends of the earth have come to town
7. Barriers to reaching urban ethnics
8. Goals of urban ethnic evangelism
9. A model of church-centered ethnic outreach
10. The intersecting veins of the city
11. Research: Matching goals and methods to advance the gospel
12. The stages of church development
13. The pros and cons of church buildings
14. The urban poor in "Christian" America
15. Ministering to street people
16. Children at risk in cities
17. Ministry in the red-light district
18. Ministry in shantytowns
19. Raising a family in the city by choice
20. Pastoring in the city
21. Violence, injustice, and church-state relationships
As cities continue to expand, Christ calls the church to bring the gospel to these centers of population, culture, and political power.

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