Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The Lausanne Legacy, Landmarks in Global Mission

266 CAM /1//1
Cameron J., ;
The Lausanne Legacy : Landmarks in Global Mission / J. E. M. Cameron, ed.. — Peabody, Massachusetts : Hendrickson Publishers, 2016. — 200 pages. — (Lausanne Library). — ISBN 978-1-61970-830-3
ДКД 266,
ДКД 266,
I. The First Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization (19740
The Lausanne Convenant with study guide
1974 Closing Address / Billy Graham

II. The Second Lausanne Congress on World Evangelism (1989)
The Manila Manifesto
1989 Closing Address / Leighton Ford

III. The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization (2010)
The Cape Town Commitment with questions for reflection
2010 Closing Address / Lindsay Brown

Afterword / Michael Y Oh
For the first time, outcomes from the Lausanne Movement's three global Congresses are bound in a single volume, together with the Congress closing addresses. Connections forged through these gatherings have resulted in hundreds of partnerships within and across continents. Today, Lausanne has a presence in nearly every nation. Its focus remains on evangelization, in the geographical world and in the world of ideas. To this end it generates some of the sharpest biblical thinking on major issues facing the Church.

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