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Worship and mission for the global church, An ethnodoxology handbook

264 KRA /1//1
Krabill, J.R. ;
Worship and mission for the global church : An ethnodoxology handbook / James R. Krabill, ed . — s. l. : William Carey Library, 2013. — 580 p.. — ISBN 978-0-87808-493-7
ДКД 264,
ДКД 264,
Table of Contents:
Section 1: Foundations - Encountering God: Worship and Body Life - Biblical
Biblical Foundations of Christian Worship /Andrew E. Hill
Significance of Beauty and Excellence in BIblical Worship /Emily R. Brink
God's Creation and Human Creativity: Seven Affirmations /Harold M. Best
"Bridge" : Worship between Bible and Culture /Ron Man
Artistic Expression in Early Christianity /Eleanor Kreider
Ways of Contextualizing Church Music: Some Asian Examples /I-to Loh
How Song Sustained the Church /Frank Fortunato
Global Shift from North to South: Implications for Latin American Worship /David D. Ruiz
Whole World has Gone "Glocal" /Jaewoo Kim
Ethnoartistic Cocreation in the Kingdom of God /Brian Schrag
Designing Multicultural Worship with the Missio Dei in Mind /Josh Davis
Ethnodramatology for Community Engagement /Julisa Rowe
Shall We Dance? Reflections on the Nairobi Statement on Worship and Culture /Anne Zaki
Worship Challenges in Multicultural Churches: The Bethlehem Baptist Experience /Chuck Steddom
"Canaan Hymns" : Songs of the House-church Christians in China /Irene Ai-Ling Sun
Great Misconception: Why Music is not a Universal Language /Robin P. Harris
Mentoring Artists /Mary Elizabeth Saurman
Culturally Appropriate Worship: My Story as a Cameroonian Pastor /Roch Ntankeh
Engaging God's World: Witness and Community-Based Ministry - Biblical
Missional Impulse toward Incarnational Worship in the New Testament /John Piper
Bible Storying with the Creative Arts for Church Planting /Tom Ferguson
Art and Gospel: The Necessity of Artistic Fullness /Steven C. Hawthorne
Musical Bridges in Christian Communication: Lessons for the Church /Roberta R. King
Spare Them Western Music! /Vida Chenoweth
Making a Difference in a Week: Eight Principles for Art Making in Short-term Engagement /J. Nathan Corbitt with Sarah Rohrer
Cross-cultural Communication through Symbol /C. Michael Hawn and Swee Hong Lim
Challenge of Indigenizing Christian Worship: An Example from India /Jacob Joseph
Contextualizing Visual Arts for Faith Sharing /Scott Rayl
What Happens to Music When Cultures Meet? Six Stages of Music Development in African Churches /James R. Krabill
Framework for Incorporating Arts in Short-term Missions /Ian Collinge
Visual Arts as a Bridge to a Engaging People of Other Cultures /Geinene Carson
Transformative Worship in a Malaysian Context /Sooi Ling Tan
Worship Wheel /Todd Saurman /Local Arts and Worship Development in Church Planting /William N. Harris
Each Person's Part Nourishes the Whole: My Story /Jean Ngoya Kidula
Arts and Trauma Healing in Situations of Violence and Conflict /Harriet Hill
Three Worlds Converged: Living in an Oral, Literate, and Digital Culture /Samuel E. ChiangSection 2: Stories - Africa - General
Do They Have Sin? /Roberta R. King
Sabbatical Year in Africa that Changed Everything /Mary K. Oyer
Africa - Central
Engelbert Mveng: A Theology of Life Expressed in Art /Scott Rayl
Hymnbooks as a Stimulus to Reading - and More /Ken Hollingsworth
Love Motive /Brian Schrag
Africa - East
Heavenly Liturgy /Lila Balisky
Delightful Pandemonium: Dance in the Sudan /Frank Fortunato
Eritrea and Sudan: Worship in the Midst of Suffering /George Luke
Chanting the Scriptures /Mae Alice Reggy
"Even the Frog are Singing!" /Julie Taylor
"From Now On, Give Us This Bread" /Julie Taylor
Africa - North
God Will Make a Way /Carol Brinneman
Chanting the Gospel of John: An Experimental Approach /Sue Hall and Richard Shawyer
Scripture Memorization: Key to Peace /Anne Zaki
Africa - Southern
Ntsikana: The First Great Xhose Hymn Writer /James R. Krabill
Pentecost Moment /Joyce Scott
Turning Sermon Notes into Song /Greg Kernaghan
Creating Processions and Passion Plays in Southern Africa /C. Michael Hawn and Swee Hong Lim
Africa - West
Touching the Heart Strings /Tom Avery
Philippians and James, with a Dash of Millet Beer and Madmen /Rob Baker
Skillful Musicians, Composing at the Speed of Light /Rob Baker
Story and Song in Kpele-Dafo: An Innovative Church Planting Model among an Oral Culture of Togo /Jim and Carla Bowman
"Now There's SOmething Interesting in Church!" /Leticia Dzokotoe
Unity in Diversity through Music and Language in The Gambia /Sue Hall-Heimbecker
Ministry and Music in Sierra Leone /Kedra Larsen Kinney
Your Ways Are Straight: A Scripture Song Workshop in Sierra Leone /Kedra Larsen Kinney
Holy Week Drama according to Matthew /James R. and Jeanette Krabil
How a West African Evangelist Unleashed Musical Creativity among New Believers /James R. Krabil
Feeble Knees and a New Puguli Voice /Kember Lillo
Indigenous Proverbs: Opening Doors to the Heart /W. Jay Moon
Creating a Farm Blessing Church Service /Paul Neeley
User-friendly Hymns for the Akyode /Paul Neeley
America - Latin
Worshipping God Wounaan-style /Ron Binder
Believing Is Singing /Robert Campbell
At Night His Song Is with Me /Heber Negrao
Now We Can Speak to God - in Song /Jack Popjes
America - North
Cultivating and Contextualizing Arts in Worship for Minority Groups /David M. Bailey
Laughing Party and Contextualized Worship /Mark CHarles
Mosaic Church of North Carolina: Form the Ground Up /Kenneth L. Wallace, Jr.
Multiethnic Worship in the Crucible of the Campus: The Story of InterVarsity at Virginia Commonwealth University /Kenneth L. Wallace, Jr.
Asia - East
Japanese Black Gospel Choirs: A Counterintuitive Approach to Contextualization /Gary Fujino
Praise Dance: An Exercise in Relationship Building /Wil LaVeist
Aroma of Beauty: Music in Disaster Relief /Roger W. Lowther
NamSeoul Grace Church: Glorifying God through the Arts /Steve S.C. Moon
Gift Rap /Chieko Larrimore
Asia - South
Only God Can Wash Away Sin /Anonymous
Hallelujah Perahera: Religious Processions in Sri Lanka /Michael T. Balonek
Storytellers of Dulumpur /Carla Bowman
Local Culture Communicates Best /Frank Fortunato
Where Hindu and Christian Worlds Meet: Through the Yeshku Bhakti Music of Aradhna /Christopher Dicran Hale
Bel Canto in India's Northeast: Young Naga Artists Fuse Opera, Rockabilliy, and Their Faith /Michael T. Heneise
Power of Music in the Lhomi Church /James Lhomi
Gospel and Local Art Forms /B.E. Bharathi Nuthalapati
Film and Art Open Tibetan Hearts to the Gospel /John Oswald
Geometric Designs and Symbolic Colors: Visual Gospel Contextualization among Hindu Immigrants /Scott Rayl
Rhythm and Rhymes /Eric Sarwar
Asia - Southeast
Born across Borders, Raised in a Refugee Camp: The History of the Cambodian Hymnal /Alice Compain
Faith and the Arts in Bali's Diverse, Creative Culture /John D. Pierce
Balinese Christian Painter Nyoman Darsane: "Bali is my body. Christ is my life." /Scott Rayl
Sawai Chinnawong: The Gospel in Traditional Thai Art /Scott Rayl
Indonesian Shadow Puppetry Illuminates Bible Stories /Scott Rayl
Singing from the Hills /Janet Seever
Caribbean and Australia
"I Don't Think in English!" /Jo-Ann Faith Richards
Meet Kevin "Nana Moses" Calvert /Jo-Ann Faith Richards
Rehab in Jamaica: Creole Songs and Scripture /Jo-Ann Faith Richards
Haiti's Unending Song /Laurie Williams
An Australian Worship Leader's Journey from Hillsong to "Singing Up Country" /Tanya Riches
Europe - Eurasia
Just as it Should Be /Mark Charles
Jubilate Foundation in Romania /Richard S. Mauney
Konstantin Zhigulin Interview /Robin P. Harris
Middle East
Glorifying God through Elocution /Pam Wilson
Parables through Dance /Pam Wilson
Artistic Adaptations of Scripture Story among Women of Oral Cultures /Carla Bowman
Victorious Faith in the Midst of Persecution /Nik Ripken
Fleshing Out the Gospel Worldwide through the Arts /Roger W. Lowther
From Trickling Tributaries to Rushing Rivers: Fifty Years of Music Missions /Frank Fortunato
Equipment /Frank Fortunato
Artists Hold Keys to Unreached People Groups /John Oswald
Worship in My Language /Brian SchragSection 3: Tools - Arts Advocacy
How to Advocate for Arts on the Field and in the Church
Promoting Arts Awareness and Education in the Church /Dianne B. Collard
Determining Your Role As an Arts Advocate and Facilitator /Brian Schrag
How to Address Objections in the Work of Arts Advocacy
Dealing Effectively with Opponents on the Field /Robin P. Harris
When They Won't Listen /William N. Harris
Teaching - How to Design and Conduct an Arts Worshop
Designing Arts Workshops for Mother-tongue Speakers /Kenneth R. Hollingsworth and Heber Negrao
Encouraging the Development of Relevant Arts in the Lives of Believers /Todd and Mary Beth Saurman
How to Create an Arts Curriculum
Creative Arts in Mission Training at All Nations Christian College /Jill Ford
Diploma Program at Luther W. New Jr. Theological College /Jacob Joseph
Arts Curriculum at Fuller Theological Seminary /Roberta R. King
Ethnomusicology Developments at Liberty University /John L. Benham
Teaching an Arts Course Online /Katherine Morehouse
How to Mentor and Learn from Artists
Mentoring Artists /Sue Hall-Heimbecker
Starting an Apprenticeship Program /Ian Collinge
Worship - How to Develop Culturally Appropriate Worship
Developing Culturally Appropriate Worship /Julisa Rowe
Developing Urban Arts /David M. Bailey
How to Foster Multicultural Worship
Worshipping with the Global Church /C. Michael Hawn
Three Obstacles to Overcome /David M. Bailey
Drawing Your Community toward a Culture of Multiethnic Worship /Kenneth L. Wallace, Jr.
Moving from Monocultural to Multicultural Worship /Ian Collinge
Honoring Diverse Heart Languages in a Christian Community /David M. Bailey
How to Disciple Worship Leadership
G-A-T-H-E-R: Six Principles for Discipling Worship Leaders /Byron Spradlin
Seven Recommendations for Mentoring Worship Leaders /Jaewoo and Joy Kim
How to Integrate Arts and Preaching
Illuminating the Word: Arts in Preaching /Kenneth L. Wallace, Jr.
Integrating Arts and Preaching /Rochelle L. Cathcart
How to Integrate Arts with Scripture Proclamation
Bringing Scripture to Life with Artistic Creativity /Julisa Rowe
Scripture and the Arts of Story, Movement, and Music /Jeff Barker
Scripture Relevance Dramas /Michaelle Petersen
Research and Cocreation - How to Plan for more Local Arts Effectiveness
Planning an Arts Showcase Event /Brian Schrag
Evaluating and Improving Local Arts /Brian Schrag
Making Effective Video and Audio Recordings /Cory Cummins, William N. Harris, and Mary Hendershott
Commissioning Artistic Works /Paul Neeley
How to Create Local Arts Together
Creating Local Arts Together: The Manual Summary /Julisa RoweThe
Worship and Mission for the global church offers theological reflection, case studies, practical tools, and audiovisual resources to help the global church appreciate and generate culturally appropriate arts in worship and witness. Drawing on the expertise and experience of over one hundred writers from twenty countries, the volume integrates insights from the fields of ethnomusicology, biblical research, worship studies, Missiology, and the arts.

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